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How to De-Escalate the Arms Race at the Ivies

There are ways, if colleges would cooperate, writes Michele Hernández.

A statue of Thomas Jefferson in front of the Rotunda at the University of Virginia.

Tenure Is a Founding American Value

Florida lawmakers can either attack academic freedom or defend American constitutional traditions—but they can’t do both, Adam Sitze writes.

President Paino sits on a campus bench, talking to a student whose backpack is on the ground.

When a Conversation With the President Fosters Human Connection

President Troy D. Paino offers perspective on why it’s important to make time for conversation with individual students, and six actions for fostering connections more deeply.

Susan Burgess' LGBT Inclusion in American Life: Pop Culture, Political Imagination, and Civil Rights (NYU Press)

‘LGBT Inclusion in American Life’

Scott McLemee reviews LGBT Inclusion in American Life by Susan Burgess.

A pile of U.S. currency—bundles of $100 bills, scattered $20 bills and some coins—with the words "student debt" in the middle of the pile.

Future of Borrower Defense May Look Different

New borrower defense to repayment regulations may bring increased compliance risks to colleges of all types, Jonathan Helwink writes.

Four students participating in a panel are seated at a table, where they are speaking with and engaging with one another.

5 Lessons Learned From Diverse Student Panels

We held panels with students who hold marginalized identities to ask how faculty and administrators can better support them, Matthew R. Johnson, Jennifer Evanuik and Xantha Karp write.

A close-up of an hourglass sitting on a desk; behind the hourglass a person's hands rest on a laptop.

The Prejudicial Logic of Productivity

Discrimination against disabled faculty members is often dismissed because it’s linked to the academy’s deeply entrenched values around productivity, Sandy Sufian writes.

Legacy Admissions Is Still Under Attack

While few colleges have moved in recent years, student groups have taken up the issue, writes Christoph Baker.