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Prison: Where Undergrads and Inmates Take Classes Together

We can simultaneously improve students' learning experiences and enhance prisoners' opportunities, writes Jeff Schatten.

College Ranking Metrics Should Include Academic Freedom

Isn’t academic freedom a serious enough principle, Richard Ashford, Shampa Biswas and Mohan J. Dutta ask, for its violations to be reflected in some manner in those metrics?

Don't Play Politics With Student Veterans

A nonpartisan study is needed before the federal government makes any sweeping policy changes that would affect student veterans' benefits, writes Daniel Elkins.

Ethical College Admissions: A New Challenge to Testing

Jim Jump considers the implications of a threatened lawsuit against the University of California using the SAT and ACT.

A Question of Character

Robert Massa explains a new attempt to define character in the admissions process.

Is It Time to Dezone Knowledge?

To halt the crisis in the humanities, Clifford Siskin and William Warner write, we must rethink our classification system.

Think Positive

Scott McLemee reviews Why We're Wrong about Nearly Everything: A Theory of Human Misunderstanding by Bobby Duffy.

Teaching Racism as an Idea

If we teach students to see racism as an idea that's expressed through behaviors, institutions and cultures rather than an immutable character trait, we free them to see things more accurately and with more openness to change, argues Cyndi Kernahan.