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Technicolor Dreams

Robert E. Weir considers the challenge of teaching point of view in contemporary America.

Failure to Communicate

Recent conflicts in higher ed make Robert Steele Jr. think it's time to replace some online discussion with the face-to-face variety.

Aiming the Can(n)on

Is there any value to debating what gets counted as a major literary work? Scott McLemee didn't think so -- until he saw the news from China.

The Lowering of Higher Education

Christopher Phelps reflects on his students' finals and a new report on the pathetic literacy levels of college graduates.

Coping With 'Oy Vey' Students

The days are still growing shorter and so are our tempers. 'Tis the season when all are fed up and...

Longing for the Chili Pepper

Alex Golub reflects on what can teach new professors about professional identity.

Paying for the Research Juggernaut

Think federal grants are a profitable enterprise for institutions? Think again, says John V. Lombardi.

The Formless Form

A literary scholar pays tribute to the essay as a literary genre. Scott McLemee thinks you should wait a couple of weeks before reading this book.