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On Drivel

A comment on a dissertation chapter, writes Jason Pickavance, has him reflecting on the student-teacher relationship -- from both sides.

Searching for Islands of Success

The country is pouring billions into science and math education. Let's make sure the money is being spent wisely, on programs proven effective through rigorous evaluation, says W. Robert Connor.

The Bulldozer and the Big Tent

Is Todd Gitlin a "left conservative"? Scott McLemee interviews him for a podcast and considers some afterthoughts.

On Serving as President and Provost ... at the Same Time

Having both positions gives Susan Herbst new ideas about their roles and their relationship.

I Was a Progression Requirement Pusher

Todd A. Diacon comes clean on a practice that many colleges accept without question, but that he writes is more about convenience than about education.

Encouraging Assessment From the Ground Up

Donna Engelmann suggests ways that colleges can help professors embrace the process as meaningful instead of viewing it as a bureaucratic chore.

The Faculty Role in Stopping Cheating

It's time for professors to talk about expectations of academic integrity and the specifics of what's allowed, what's not and how to handle whatever isn't clear, writes Timothy R. Austin.

Do I Dare Eat a Peach?

Terry Caesar considers a series of cultural messages about educators and sex with students.