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Lessons Learned

Paula M. Krebs considers the way applying for a major foundation grant offers ideas for managing academic life generally.

'Too Good' for Tenure?

Like most young faculty members, I began my first job with my eyes on the prize six years ahead --...

Faking It, With 2 Books and More

Terry Caesar considers the assumptions academics make about fellow academics -- many times based on a less than complete reality.

To the Things Themselves

Sometimes bric-a-brac has meaning. Scott McLemee interviews an interpreter.

Talkin 'bout Their Generation

Everyone knows that rock and roll is all about kicking out the jams: ditching uptight squares, taking long rides in...

Women, Science and Interdisciplinary Ways of Working

Discussions of how to diversify the research world and of how to work beyond the boundaries of traditional fields should be combined, write Diana Rhoten and Stephanie Pfirman.


Carolyn Segal considers the impact of an essay -- and its unexpected afterlife in the world of plagiarism Web sites.

Goodbye to Procrustes And Goldilocks

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, a president-turned-presidential search consultant, considers why many candidacies are needlessly ruled out, and suggests that the questions asked may be too narrow.