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Return of the Mark of Zotero

New digital tools help you manage your research files. Scott McLemee gazes into "the cloud."

Books Aren't Everything

Publishing -- especially university press publishing -- is a tough business. Recently, many presses have come under greater financial pressure...

Poverty Studies

While literary scholars have good reason to study race, gender and sexuality, too many ignore the economically struggling, writes Keith Gandal.

Time to Close the College?

After studying four institutions that shut their doors, Alice Brown offers guidance to campus leaders contemplating closure -- and urges them to act decisively.

Requiring Revision

Tom Deans considers whether a key part of writing instruction breeds dependency or encourages interdependence.

Fifty Years After Stonewall

What will LGBT scholarship look like over the next decade? Scott McLemee asks around.

Serving in This Secular Church

Overemphasis on numbers undermines the search for “middle sized” truths that higher education, at its spiritual best, pursues, writes Robert B. Young.

Sotomayor and Our Future

While the Supreme Court nomination is significant for discussions of race and higher education, Sarita E. Brown writes that much of the rhetoric is overstated.