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In Loco Parentis, Post-Juicy Campus

Colleges should educate their students about the Internet, not try to shield them from it, Joseph Storch argues in the first of a two-part series.

Spring Into Fall

David Galef describes how the men, women and children of U of All People are welcoming in the new academic year.

Mortal Grace

Jim Carroll and Paul Ricoeur looked death in the face and wrote about it. Scott McLemee reads the fragments....

Neve Gordon's Academic Freedom

It’s not easy to find a country in the Middle East whose universities honor academic freedom as we know it...

Cassoulet and Leadership

A trip to the movie theater and an offhanded comment from an employee prompt Karen Gross to reflect on the similarities between cooking and presiding over a college.

The To-Do List

In Part 2 of his essay, Robert Zemsky lays out the three big goals of serious higher ed reform: proving that students learn, bolstering pre-college preparation, and fixing financial dysfunction.

Teaching After Midnight

A few hours ago, Wick Sloane taught his first section of an 11:45 p.m. to 2:45 a.m. course. He’s inspired by his students and community college – and mad as hell that no one seems to care about the nationwide conditions that make it impossible for so many students to find sections at the hours they need.

The Adjunct's Moment of Truth

Like most of us who work in higher education, I really don’t have the time, or the courage, to be...