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A New Manhattan Project

Debates over affirmative action divert attention from the need for a massive research project to understand -- and close -- the racial achievement gap, write Thomas J. Espenshade and Alexandria Walton Radford.

And Now For Something Completely Different

40 years ago, Monty Python brought deconstruction to the telly. Scott McLemee looks on the bright side of life.

The Old Lie: Dulce et Decorum Est

Until the canes and coffins stop, essays on meter and imagery are banned, writes Wick Sloane.

Institutional Interests, Statewide Concerns

Colleges want Congress to give higher ed reform money to them, but lawmakers should channel the funds through the states. writes Robert H. Atwell.

The Clock is Ticking

It's only a matter of time before the Obama administration, like its predecessor, focuses intently on higher education accountability. College leaders shouldn't wait, writes David C. Paris.

Stop Financial Aid for Wealthy Students

The money elite colleges are spending to discount tuition for students from families atop the economic ladder could be better spent elsewhere in these tough times, writes Donald E. Heller.

LMS 3.0

The emergence of a new expectations for learning management systems opens the way for IT leaders to become central players in the assessment movement, writes Kenneth C. Green.

Kindle for the Academic

Alex Golub reviews the advantages (and a few limitations, at least for now) of e-book readers.