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Whom Can You Trust on Climate Change?

The furor over the stolen e-mail messages makes this a perfect time to focus on the value of peer review, writes Kevin B. Johnson.

Lost Trust

The budget crisis at the University of California illustrates why faculty members can't rely on administrators to guard the real interests of higher education, writes Bob Samuels.

Engineering Flexibility

If becoming a major means writing off most electives, activities and study abroad, students will find other majors, writes Pamela A. Eibeck.

Define 'Frill' and Use it in a Sentence

Your “frill” is not my “frill. “ My frill, in fact, is an essential component of the work I do...

Decline of the West

Cornel West's latest book is a memoir. Scott McLemee thinks it marks the end of the line.

An Ideal Teacher

Bob Blaisdell considers what perfection looks like to students.

Overlapping Crises

Jamshed Bharucha considers the differing challenges facing higher education in India and the United States.

'The Cusp of Every Bibliomaniac's Dream'

It is possible that I have too many books. There, I said it. (That felt weird.) Heading off to visit...