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Afterglow From the MLA

Maria Shine Stewart, a first timer at the annual gathering of literature and language instructors, will be paying off the trip for a while. But it was well worth it for the content and camaraderie, she writes.

Course Evaluations, Years Later

Professors may get much better feedback by waiting a while -- and then asking students to reflect on what stayed with them, writes Tom Deans.

In the American Grain

Howard Zinn, author of A People's History of the United States, died last week. Scott McLemee salutes a voice of dissent.

The Good Reader

Unlike many other, less famous writers, Howard Zinn treated a young editorial assistant like a person. Rachel Toor remembers him fondly.

A Dish Best Served Cold

An alumnus with a grudge wreaks havoc by requiring a college to tenure its food service workers. Lee Williams surveys the carnage.

Defining Moral Education

Elizabeth Kiss and J. Peter Euben consider why and how colleges engage in a crucial form of instruction.

My Book, My Dreams

What happens when you pour all your effort into a work -- and hardly anyone seems to notice the result?

Make Maintenance of Effort Permanent

Congress should regularly require states to maintain their spending on higher education, F. King Alexander argues.