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The Crisis of Philosophy

A central discipline finds itself alienated not only from much of society but from the humanities, in large part because of misconceptions about the field, writes Jason Stanley.

Talking During the Test

Oral exams shouldn't be reserved for the dissertation defense, write Tom Deans and Jamie Frueh, who use them with their undergrads.

Bazzled: A Tale in 20 E-mails

You think you've got student affairs issues? Lee Burdette Williams might make you reconsider.

The Notebook

Is it a tool, a literary genre, or a nervous tic? Scott McLemee jots down some thoughts.

Third Way in Liberal Education

Moving past debates over which works belong in the canon, colleges are finding ways to help students experience the overarching narratives of civilization, writes Dan Edelstein.

Quit Corporate Boards

College presidents have no business devoting the hours they do to helping run companies, writes Pablo Eisenberg.

Adapt or Decline

Higher education is transforming. Which side of history are you on? Anya Kamenetz asks.

Changing the Equation

California law alters how community colleges are financed -- and may fix problems that have plagued system since passage of Prop 13.