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My Application, AACC President

Wick Sloane thinks he's the right man to lead the American Association of Community Colleges. Here's his platform.

Speaking Through Verse

William L. Fox on why, as a president, he works poetry into many of his speeches, and why doing so resonates with alumni.

Beware Higher Ed's 'Mad Men'

In 1981, Grey Poupon took the nation by storm. Although the little-known Dijon mustard had been manufactured for more than...


University presses are rethinking how they approach the publishing industry's biggest shindig. Scott McLemee reports.

Open Door to What?

Amy E. Slaton questions the assumptions behind the push for speedy job training at community colleges.

A New Humanities Ph.D.

It's not enough to add some advice on non-academic careers, writes Paula Krebs. Departments need to add different kinds of courses and different kinds of work experiences for grad students.

The Power of the System

Alexandra W. Logue considers a central question about the governance of public higher education.

The New Campus Culture Wars

On “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day,” Eboo Patel wonders why religion has been largely left out of the college ethos of inclusiveness.