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Framing the Conversation on Research Universities

The future of leading public institutions is too important to be left to individual states, writes John B. Simpson.

All Summer in a Day

Elizabeth Grant wonders whether her students really know the sun, and how she can best teach them.

The Mood Is the Message

Researchers are studying Twitter as communication medium and index of public opinion. Scott McLemee catches up on the scholarship.

Who Gets to Guard the Gates of Eden?

Michael A. Olivas reviews and praises the legal arguments that carried the day in Monday's Supreme Court ruling on public colleges' anti-bias rules.

Honorable Technology

Colleges need to teach students not only how to use tools to learn, but how to use them with decency, write Sylvia Tomasch and Joseph Ugoretz.

The Story of an Essay

Wick Sloane shares the tale of a student and of Tim O’Brien, from Vietnam -- North and South -- to Bunker Hill, and on to Mount Holyoke.

The White Noise of Accountability

Cliff Adelman explores the rhetoric and practice surrounding an oft-used phrase -- and asks readers to consider six frameworks for thinking about the word before they next utter it.

The Turbulent Years

A classic work on the Depression era is back in print. Scott McLemee rallies to its call.