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O Canada

American academics should take note of the way their northern neighbor is gaining on them in higher education, write Stephen J. Toope and Neil Gross.

Dear Adjuncts: Don't Get Sick

I’m sick. And I don’t mean sniffles and tickle in my throat. I mean swallowing pitchforks and a jackhammer on...

BP and Academic Freedom

The contracts offered to scientists in the Gulf illustrate why universities and the press need to be vigilant about corporate control of research, writes Cary Nelson.

Lifestyles of Mad Men

An acclaimed dramatic series about the world of advertising returns to TV. Scott McLemee glances at the historical context.

Net Price vs. Net Worth

In questioning the merit of the Net-Price Calculator, Kent Barnds considers how it could influence values associated with enrollment and financial aid decisions.

Confessions of a (Sometimes) Helicopter Parent

Patti K. See gives workshops and writes articles about the student transition to college. But when her son enrolled....

The Real Challenge for Higher Education

Policy makers offer many theories about what's wrong and many potential solutions, sound and faddish, writes Garrison Walters. But creating a pervasive education culture alone will make us successful.