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The Nutty Professor

In an excerpt from his new book, Robert Klose wonders where eccentric faculty members have gone.

Substitute Education for Lysol

The Rutgers tragedy is a reminder that cybergossip -- commonly about first-year females -- is widespread and that campus leaders need to take a stand against it, writes Dawn Watkins.

Tenure Isn't the Answer

In a recent essay at Inside Higher Ed, Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors, underlined the...

Praise But No Cash

The White House summit offered community colleges a day in the spotlight, writes Wick Sloane. The rest is up to the institutions themselves.

New Metric System?

Measuring scholarly influence by citations made sense... once. Scott McLemee looks at the emerging alternatives.

Support All College Options

The Obama administration is right to recognize the key role of community colleges -- but it should embrace quality for-profit institutions, too, write Jonathan Kaplan and Terry O'Banion.

Fixing the Broken Financing Model

State colleges need a new approach to fund their operations. Public service corporations are one solution, Darryl Greer and Michael Klein argue.

Liberal Arts I: They Keep Chugging Along

The narrative of the decline and fall of humanities and other non-"vocational" fields doesn't hold up to the facts, write W. Robert Connor and Cheryl Ching.