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Take My Degree Back

After seeing the way CUNY's board treated Tony Kushner, Ellen Schrecker wants to return the honorary doctorate she received.

My Chancellor's Crazy. And I Love It.

When I first heard about it, I said to myself, “How do I kill this idea?” My chancellor wanted to...

Atlas Shrunk

Ayn Rand's magnum opus took 54 years to put on the screen. Scott McLemee is underwhelmed by the result.

A Truly New Genre

The scholarly video-book isn't just about different media, writes Alexandra Juhasz. It's about rethinking the idea of authors, readers, time and more.

Corporate Rule of Cyberspace

The arrival of cloud computing is a time for more scrutiny of the entities that direct our virtual lives, writes Slavoj Žižek.

Going Green

Many colleges worry about the costs of environmentally friendly policies. Foothill-De Anza's experience suggests that they worry too much.

Beyond Supply and Demand

Catharine Hill questions the assumptions behind a critique of college pricing.

The AAUW's Rationale

Once again, Richard Whitmire believes that he has the inside scoop on the American Association of University Women and other...