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Writing and Teaching Habits of Mind

A new set of standards has his colleagues wondering if they assess themselves as they do students. Steven J. Corbett reviews the discussions.

On Reading 'On Rereading'

A new book reflects on what happens when we revisit familiar works of fiction. Scott McLemee takes a first look.

Funding Students, Threatening Liberal Education

Washington State's new public-private grant program is heralded as an innovation, but it is part of a larger attack on liberal education, writes Johann Neem.

Short Path to Jobs

It's time to stop denigrating the value of certificate programs that move students quickly to careers, writes Gena Glickman.

Buying the Professor a BMW

Are parents really paying more for higher education, and, if so, is the added money going into faculty members’ pockets? Perry Zirkel and Jean Johnson ask.

Under the Bridge

No sooner does disaster strike than the gloating begins. Scott McLemee interviews a scholar who tracks online trolls.

Accreditation in an Era of Open Resources

With colleges no longer the sole keepers of knowledge, credentialing should shift from exclusive focus on institutions to providers of content, writes John C. Cavanaugh.

Watching and Learning

Bob Blaisdell reflects on a little-discussed aspect of teaching a foreign language.