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Interpreting Turmoil

A prominent social theorist gathers his thoughts on the past few years of upheaval. Scott McLemee risks an opinion.

What Humanities Job Crisis?

The data suggest that things are improving, and that the worst shifts reflect larger societal changes, not academe, writes Chase F. Robinson.


A poem by Laurence Musgrove considers the state of student writing.

Bieberians at the Gate?

Could philosophy (or other disciplines) be improved by letting those outside the discipline play a role in judging its work? Robert Frodeman, J. Britt Holbrook and Adam Briggle consider the possibilities.

Fixing Humanities Grad Programs

Michael Bérubé tells graduate school deans that the issues are complicated and interconnected.

Bankruptcy, Not Forgiveness, for Student Loans

The current headlong rush to make student debt forgivable does nothing to encourage prudent borrowing and discourage tuition increases, writes Jenna Ashley Robinson. Making some loans dischargeable in bankruptcy would send better signals.

Questioning Clay Shirky

It's time to start challenging the popular critique of higher education -- and the way the views of many academics have been belittled or ignored, writes Aaron Bady.

Fascinating Fascism

Analogies to Nazi Germany come cheap -- but not insights into a movement that's still waiting for its chance. Scott McLemee looks at Fascism, a new journal.