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Isn't Learning Part of 'Value'?

President Obama is right to want colleges to prove their worth – but his “myopic” plan ignores how much students learn, writes Richard Hersh.

So You Think You Can Think

To teach a course about reality TV, Dominic Pettman turned his class into a reality TV show.

Ratings Are Not So Easy

It's hard to argue with President Obama's analysis of higher education's problems, writes Karen Gross, but his proposed solution -- a system for rating colleges -- must be crafted very carefully.

The Sexual Politics of Scholarship

Laura Wright considers the way the ideas of women -- in and out of the academy -- are judged.

Better Off Dead

In a rebuttal to a recent essay, faculty leaders explain why a recently stalled California bill to grant academic credit for third-party courses would have hurt students and taxpayers.

'A Freedom Budget for All'

Everyone remembers Dr. King's speech at the March on Washington -- but not the blueprint for realizing his dream. Scott McLemee interviews the author of a new book on the subject.

The Teacher's Task

The books taught in humanities courses have the power to influence and abet change, and professors should encourage -- not run from -- students' transformations, Mark Edmundson writes.

Walking Into Big Data

Felicia B. LeClere has focused much of her career on data analysis, and considers why recent trends make her uneasy.