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Annual Veterans Count, 2013

Wick Sloane's yearly survey of how many former military service members are at the nation's elite private colleges finds, to his dismay, that the situation is actually getting worse.

Wrong Answer on Remediation

States that shut down developmental education without trying some emerging alternatives will hurt the low-income students they are claiming to help, write William Tierney and Julia Duncheon.

When a Better Ranking Is a Bad Thing

Many of the criteria of U.S. News reward philosophies that public universities should be running away from, not embracing, writes Robert J. Sternberg.

McGinn, Again

A philosopher known for scorched-earth polemics has made himself a bit more notorious. Scott McLemee considers the perils of paraphrase.

The Real Problem With the Common App

Move past the technical horror stories, writes Theodore A. O'Neill. The system is doing damage to educational values when it's working.

Don't Pay It Forward

An idea gaining support in some states has a catchy sales pitch, but is actually a bad deal for students, writes Kati Haycock.

What Do I Tell My Students?

As an adviser to adults in English-language and GED programs, Shawn Fisher wrestles every day, on the ground, with the vocational vs. liberal education divide.

Not a Scarlet Letter

It's time for adjuncts to talk with their students about what it really means to be off the tenure track.