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Too Tired To Hustle

Nicole Matos sees a mismatch between the jobs her community college students want and those currently available.

Days of Reckoning

Asked to prove how well their students are learning when the assessors come to town, the English faculty at U of All People steps up. Well, sort of, David Galef explains.

Don't Go to College Next Year

Gap years change students in ways that society needs -- and much more should be done to make them a possibility for all students, not just the privileged, Joe O'Shea writes.

(This) Adjunct is Dead

One longtime philosophy adjunct comes to terms with academic job market -- on his own terms.

It Ain’t What I Say

When administrators about issues such as assessment and competency-based learning, writes Judith Shapiro, the language they use is crucial if they want to engage faculty members.

Clio and Her Sisters

A new book portrays the muse of history as multitasking and interdisciplinary. Scott McLemee looks at her in a new light.

Academe Quits Me

D.G Myers faces an unceremonious end of his career as an English professor after 24 years -- and warns that the same fate may befall many of his humanities colleagues.

Tech Alone Won't Cut It

Electronic advising systems have plenty of potential, writes Melinda Mechur Karp. But they will fall short without more attention to the messy, human side educational technology.