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Ethical College Admissions: De-Fense!, or Defense Mechanisms

Jim Jump looks at the steps some colleges are considering -- without NACAC rules.

What You Should Know About Your College

What are its affirmative action practices, Alan Morrison asks.

How Higher Education Empowers Student Voters

Interest in the 2020 election could give colleges and universities an opportunity to increase student voting and civic engagement to a level we've rarely seen before, argues Hahrie Han.

In Appreciation of a Public Servant

Government employees don’t get much public respect these days. We should pay more attention to people like the late Jeff Appel, Terry Hartle writes.

Plagiarize This!

Why is brazenly putting one's name on a text that someone else wrote repugnant? Should it be? Scott McLemee explores the issue.

Better Data on Competency-Based Education

More information about what works in competency-based programs is needed to inform policy and encourage the growth of this promising form of postsecondary education, writes Charla Long.

Universities' Crucial Role in Our Spacefaring Future

To ensure that our species endures, we must advance space-based technologies, Tuija Pulkkinen and Anthony Waas write, and that will require us to break our interdisciplinary boundaries.

Moving Toward Engaged Pluralism on the College Campus

Despite the efforts of many people in higher education, student experiences reflect and reinforce broader patterns of inequality, write Elizabeth Bradley and Candice M. Lowe Swift, who describe a large-scale and ongoing approach to help meet that challenge.