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Sex, Social Distancing and the Fall Semester

In this global pandemic, adults must get over their squeamishness about young people’s sexuality and talk about how sex figures into campus life, Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan contend.

Colleges Get an F on the ‘F’ Factor

Strong relationships with their fathers can empower female students, yet colleges often aren't adequately attuned to them and overlook their importance, writes Linda Nielsen.

Of Collapsology

Scott McLemee reviews How Everything Can Collapse: A Manual for Our Times by Pablo Servigne and Raphaël Stevens.

Service in Exchange for Tuition

By having people of all backgrounds, ethnicities and geographical regions work together, a federal loan-for-service program might help heal our deep national divide, argues Roger Hull.

Diversity and Inclusion Are Not Enough

Simply adding race to the list of differences equally targeted in a diversity strategy won't eradicate the systemic racism that marginalizes -- and kills -- black Americans, writes Benjamin D. Reese.

We Shouldn’t Give Up on Literacy-Based Learning

In the push for active and learner-oriented instruction, let’s not abandon classic methods of reading, writing and lecturing, Matt Ayars argues.

Of Bondholders, Bankers and Burgeoning Debt

One of the not-so-openly-discussed motivations that colleges have for opening this fall may be the billions of debt they've amassed for dorms and dining halls, James Finkelstein argues.

The Current Plight of International Students

Kavita Daiya explains why American colleges need to help international students (and their own bottom lines) now.