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Flimflam: College in 2020

Higher education institutions are engaging in a very American tradition regarding reopening in the fall, with students and parents as the easy marks, Ryan Craig argues.

It's Time for Governing Boards to Weigh In on Race

College and university governing boards must push their institutions to be forces for ending, rather than perpetuating, racism, write Carlton Brown, Richard Legon and Terrence MacTaggart.

Collaboration Transcending Crisis

Despite COVID challenges, large-scale collaborative projects remain feasible and have the power to reimagine undergraduate education in the humanities, write Nicholas Henriksen and Ian K. Cook.

The Essentiality of Public-Private Partnerships

They are vital for regional state universities to further their missions and thrive in the future, writes Ashish Vaidya.

Teaching One Side of the Story

That isn’t education -- it’s indoctrination, writes Jonathan Zimmerman, who warns against imposing a singular interpretation or ideology that prevents a true and honest education around race.

International Students Shouldn’t Be Political Pawns

In its latest announcement, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is strong-arming colleges to fully resume on-campus instruction, regardless of the risks or damages.

Navigating the Storms

In this tumultuous period, colleges must be open-minded to various forms of restructuring and learn from other nonprofits, John MacIntosh writes.

Love and Privacy in the Time of COVID

Contact tracing will go beyond our institutional control, warns Michael Corn, as its practical requirements will assuredly draw our data out and, in the process, erode confidentiality protections.