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Reclaiming Intellectual Community

Technology encouraged social distancing on campuses long before the pandemic exacerbated it, writes Adam J. Davis, and the challenge now is how to rebuild connections.

Postsecondary Paradox

Colleges and universities have an opportunity to better serve millions of Americans adults without a postsecondary degree, Dave Clayton writes.

What Custodians Can Teach Colleges About Health and Safety

The exclusion of custodial workers from conversations about such topics reflects a broader culture of race- and class-based inequality, argues Calley Marotta.

It's Time to Give Adjuncts More Professional Opportunities

With the precariousness of many positions due to COVID, departments should help adjuncts gain experience that will allow them to secure needed employment elsewhere, writes Eric Falwell.

Reinventing Higher Education for Affordability

William G. Durden explains how colleges might radically rethink one major aspect of contemporary undergraduate education: student life and nonacademic ancillary services.

Just Write the Essay… or Don’t

Lydia Mann considers the new COVID-19 essay prompts.

What I Learned Listening to Parents

Grant J. Heston writes that they still believe in the college degree.

5 Ways to Financially Survive the Pandemic

Higher ed leaders must have the vision and moral compass to develop creative, ethical and responsible strategies to mitigate the effects of any short-term budget deficits, writes Kavita Daiya.