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The book cover of Carl Öhman’s “The Afterlife of Data: What Happens to Your Information When You Die and Why You Should Care.” The cover features an image of a human skull against a red background.

Between the Living and the Dead

Scott McLemee reviews Carl Öhman's “The Afterlife of Data.”

A graphic with the heading 16/100 featuring 100 stick people, 16 of which are blue while the rest are grey, depicting the concept of 16 percent of people.

A Not-So-Sweet 16 Percent

We haven’t moved the dial on transfer student success, Eileen L. Strempel and Stephen J. Handel write.

A photo of an hourglass, with the dropping of sand signaling the passage of time.

A Case for Term Limits for College Leaders

Term limits would create conditions for more visionary and collaborative leadership, Binnur Ozkececi-Taner writes.

An engraving of the English poet John Milton.

Milton’s Last Stand, in Florida

Richard Utz sees curricular nostalgia at work in Stanley Fish’s choice to teach Milton at the New College of Florida.

A number 2 pencil lies on a blank standardized test answer sheet filled with multiple choice bubbles.

Let’s Have Better Debates About Standardized Tests

Ben Paris argues that test critics downplay the disadvantages of test-optional policies.

A college professor teaches a group of five students gathered around a table.

With Confidence in Higher Ed Plummeting, Colleges Must Recommit to Teaching

The best way to rebuild confidence in higher ed is to focus on teaching, Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein write.

A chalk country map of China, colored in red with yellow stars to match the Chinese flag, drawn on a blackboard.

It’s Time to Restore U.S. Study Abroad to China

The U.S. should restore Fulbright exchanges in China and encourage students to study there, Zhiqun Zhu writes.

A female college student sits with her back to a wall and her head cradled in her hands, looking depressed, next to a backpack and book.

Students Don’t Know How Depressed They Are

And that might not be a bad thing, Isaac L. Ahuvia writes.