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The Holy Earth

Liberty Hyde Bailey was part Al Gore, part Indiana Jones. Scott McLemee looks into the revival...

Using Quaker Principles to Budget in Tough Times

Although not a member of the faith, Kent John Chabotar finds the role of silence and respect for minority opinions to be relevant in navigating college finances during the worldwide economic crisis.

Confessions of a Male Presidential Spouse

Ron Baenninger -- having retired from a career as a professor at a university -- considers what it means to be First Man at a college.

My Application, President of Williams

Wick Sloane's previous offers to lead Harvard, the University of Iowa and the U.S. Education Department have been for naught. This time his alma mater has an opening, and he lays out his ideas for running the prestigious liberal arts college.

The Assessment Impasse

To bury the debates about whether to measure student learning, higher education -- and the new education secretary -- should do the hard work of figuring out the higher skills that students should have, writes Merilee Griffin.

The Mind on Fire

Ralph Waldo Emerson ... writing instructor? Scott McLemee signs up for a workshop with the sage of Concord.

The Flaws of Facebook

The social network site ignores the care with which academics need to calibrate the mix of private and professional in their lives, writes Alex Golub.

The Scholarship of Administration

Some of the toughest questions in higher education would benefit from true experiments -- complete with control groups -- writes Alexandra W. Logue.