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There’s No Success Like Failure

Robert Ubell reports how massive open online courses are testing personalizing online learning through positive feedback to mistakes.

‘Vice’ Precedents

Mark Stein’s Vice Capades: Sex, Drugs and Bowling From the Pilgrims to the Present tracks how the vice of one century, such as bowling or playing cards, can become the wholesome family recreation of another, writes Scott McLemee.

Integrating Millennials Into Higher Ed Administration

As people in leadership positions start to leave higher education, it will be increasingly important to ensure that the best and brightest of the younger generations stick around, argues James Wicks.

The Art of the Rebuke

Thomas Doherty wonders if today’s atmosphere on college campuses encourages, or even tolerates, the kind of unsparing reprimand from a professor that might be needed for a student’s growth.

Ethical College Admissions: Tinker, Tailor, College Counselor

Jim Jump considers roles that counselors shouldn’t play, and lines they shouldn’t cross.

From Unruly Hearts to Open Minds

Michael S. Roth examines campus intellectual diversity in the age of polarization.

‘Game of Thrones’ Among the Medievalists

Trying to turn the spectacularly popular show into a means of encouraging future medieval scholars is misguided, writes Richard Utz.