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What Is a Chief Enrollment Officer?

The job is changing and becoming more complex, writes Angel B. Pérez.

Ethical College Admissions: The Personal Touch

Jim Jump reflects on the career of Anita Garland.

When Free Isn't Really Free

Programs that funnel aid exclusively to publicly funded colleges and universities limit students' choices and deter them from private colleges, which may be the best option for some of them, Claude Pressnell Jr. writes.

Destination Moon

Scott McLemee reviews Charles Pappas's One Giant Leap: Iconic and Inspiring Space Race Inventions That Shaped History.

Defending Science Through Its Values

The myth that science should rely on proof or certainty is a view so harmful to scientific understanding that it only gives aid and comfort to climate-change deniers and others who attack it, argues Lee McIntyre.

The End of Note Taking?

Digital transcribing tools just might free students up to do more beneficial things with their time in class, write Perry Samson and Fred Singer.

The Weaponization of Academic Citation

Freshman composition programs have done that, and we need to stop it right now, argues Jennie Young.

A Wider Net

Ranjan Daniels explores what college and university administrators can do to shield their institutions from a potential reduction in Chinese student enrollment.