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I Want a Vote on Policies That Affect My Work

After 23 years as a teaching professor at his university, six as assistant dean, Mark Zeigler questions why he has no representation on the faculty senate.

From Anger to Action for Dreamers

This is a moment when higher education leaders must be advocates and activists to affirm some of the most fundamental values of our national commitment to equity and justice for all people, Patricia McGuire writes.

What Should We Do About Our Comments?

A letter seeking input from our readers.

How to Provide Meaningful Feedback Online

Salena Rabidoux and Amy Rottmann offer these tips for how to respond to students to improve success and build comradery among online learners.

Manning the Gender Barricades

In True Sex: The Lives of Trans Men at the Turn of the 20th Century, Emily Skidmore describes how manhood in that day was as much a moral status as a sexual category, writes Scott McLemee.

Halting the Erosion of State Support for Higher Education

Colleges and universities must shift some of the pain resulting from shrinking state support to their students, argues Sheldon H. Jacobson.

How Higher Ed Can Restore Public Trust

A year of national service before, during or after college will better prepare our students to complete their degrees, secure meaningful employment and become lifelong engaged citizens, write E. Gordon Gee, Eduardo Padrón and Anthony P. Monaco.

Inequality and 'The Once and Future Liberal'

In his writings, Mark Lilla calls for images of solidarity to replace what he sees as an unhealthy emphasis on difference, but till now such solidarity has come at the expense of all too many people, argues Michael S. Roth.