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Signing Away Rights

Binding arbitration clauses in enrollment forms for for-profit higher ed leave students without legal rights when they have been ripped off, writes Stephen Burd.

Change Is Coming

Current business models and out-of-date curricular and teaching models need to be reformed for higher education to fulfill its crucial roles, writes Dan Greenstein.

Disrupting the Disruptors

A key principle -- that education is a public good -- needs to be central to discussions about how to change higher education, writes James Grossman.

Year of the Backlash

Might massive online courses from elite institutions -- which have been credited with legitimizing online education -- actually be undermining the public view of other forms of digital learning, Peter Stokes and Sean Gallagher ask?

Against Academic Boycotts

Faculty members should not be fooled into thinking that cutting ties to Israeli universities will help the Palestinian cause or academic freedom, writes Henry Reichman.

The Chicken or the Egghead?

Which came first, intellectual arrogance or intractably ignorant boneheadedness? Scott McLemee looks at a new book on anti-intellectualism in America.

The Real College Barrier for the Working Poor

Focusing on no-loan policies or Pell Grant rules on courseloads misses the reality about access and completion for needy students: the buying power of federal aid hasn't kept up, writes Sara Goldrick-Rab.

Questions on Performance Funding

In response to a recent essay challenging their research, authors of studies on tying state funds to outcomes defend their work and the need for rigorous evidence to support policy trends.