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Sighing in Cyberspace
Maria Shine Stewart reflects on her experiences -- including a little trauma -- on her personal flight with technology.
The Propaganda of International Comparisons
Reports misusing data on other countries’ populations and performance to show the failures of U.S. higher education also miss the ways those countries are really ahead of us, writes Clifford Adelman.
Myles Brand's Code of Silence
Myles Brand, president of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, has been embarking lately on a peculiar public relations campaign. With...
Let Us Disarm!
The economic crisis points to the need to change antitrust policies so that private colleges can agree on joint steps that would cut costs, writes William G. Durden.
Public Missions, Private Dollars and Ordinary People
It's time to acknowledge and reverse the shameful spiral of disinvestment in public higher education, writes Ed Ray.
Rediscovering Hubert Harrison
Eighty years ago, a prominent black intellectual disappeared from the historical record. Scott McLemee talks to the man who rescued him from oblivion. With a podcast.
College vs. Employment
Memo to President-elect Obama: History shows that expanding access to higher education is a smart investment during economic downturns, writes John Aubrey Douglass.
Adventures With Rush Limbaugh
Teresa Ghilarducci recounts the experience of having her academic research suddenly end up in the presidential campaign -- and become right wing media target.
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