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The Classroom as Arcade

The lure of the laptop is too much for many students, and university culture needs to celebrate the embodied nature of the classroom and turn off technology, Mary Flanagan argues.

Winning Combination for Whom?

Higher-income students benefit most from the extracurricular student engagements a recent Gallup-Purdue study identified, writes Lauren Schudde.

Unit Records, Risky and Wrong

The push to collect student-level data ignores the dearth of evidence that it would improve outcomes and the danger that the information would be used against young people, writes Bernard Fryshman.

Becoming Freud

A new book considers the founding father of psychoanalysis as self-made man. Scott McLemee has a look.

A World Without Liberal Learning

Michael Roth considers what higher education would become if it consisted only of vocational training.

Quick Trigger

Rob Zaretsky envisions the not-too-farfetched scenarios in which a university's lawyers comb through the classics.

Mind the Gap

Efforts to reform remedial education that fail to address achievement gaps will perpetuate those gaps. John Squires and Angela Boatman propose a better way.

The Rate Stuff

Why should the faculty be the only campus service that students get to rate, professors at U of All People wondered. was born, and David Galef describes the carnage.