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Mess o' Mobilizations

A few months back, Intellectual Affairs reported on the work of a couple of social scientists who were studying the...

'The Closing of the American Mind,' 20 Years Later

“HITS WITH THE APPROXIMATE FORCE AND EFFECT OF ELECTROSHOCK THERAPY” raved Roger Kimball’s review in The New York Times, as...

Humanities Faculty For Hire!

Anyone looking for an Information Obfuscator, Lunchtime Banterer, or Marxist Turncoat? It's high time for humanists to market their underappreciated skills to the private sector, Kerry Soper argues.

Ronald Reagan vs. the University Press

The late president's legacy left an unfortunate legacy for academic publishing -- one that needs to be challenged, writes James F. Reische.

Ancillary Jobs

Amy L. Wink considers the difference between "real" and not so real work, from the perspective of an adjunct with both kinds of experiences.

Wide-Stance Sociology

A legendary social science book is back in the news. Scott McLemee looks at a controversial classic.

Freedom to Teach

Michael Bérubé writes about why the AAUP's new statement on freedom in the classroom matters so much.

An Office of His Own

Michael J. Cholbi writes of one of the key perks that drew him to academe -- and why it means so much.