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Higher Ed's Changing Economic Landscape

Recent decisions by a number of our major private institutions are changing the higher education financial landscape significantly and quickly...

Shaping a Life of the Mind for Practice

William M. Sullivan and Matthew S. Rosin call for a new approach to thinking about the curriculum.

In Search of Max Faber

A polemical book takes aim at African-American public intellectuals. Scott McLemee represents....

No Faculty Left Behind

Marc Bousquet considers the tensions between adjunct and tenure-track faculty members over efforts that he thinks need a united stance from professors.

It's the Student Work, Stupid

Last week, my dean touted our college's rise in the U.S. News & World Report ranking of graduate colleges of...

The Problem 'Too Big to Be Seen'

Wick Sloane discusses some of the heartrending stories he encounters embedded in the community college landscape.

Turning Student Discontent Into Deliberation

David D. Cooper finds his class applying newly learned theories of democracy and rhetoric to decisions made by instructors.

The 2.0 Decade?

Readers come up with names for the era now winding down. And Scott McLemee looks back on it all....