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Conferencing Critically in a COVID-19 World

Remote or hybrid conferences solve a lot of problems but bring other downsides that are underdiscussed, Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler write.

The Great Resignation… or the Great Surrender?

With higher ed facing so many steep challenges, it’s not the time to quit, Bob Massa and Bill Conley write.

What Is the College Board Saying?

Jim Jump asks, is not releasing racial data on AP scores really “streamlined reporting”?

Disciplinary ‘Redlining’ Is Not Decolonization

A white professor of BIPOC history reflects on a disturbing development—a refusal to grant credit to scholars whose phenotype matches that of historical oppressors.

Congress Must Invest in Student Mental Health

Campuses need more federal resources for mental health and suicide prevention, Tanya Ang writes.

A Canceled Cancellation

University of Michigan handled controversy over a pro-life speaker at a ceremony for incoming medical students the right way, Scott Richard Lyons writes.

Normalizing the Unknown for First-Gen Students

Higher ed institutions must reassure first-generation students that it’s OK not to have all the answers, writes Nick Ladany, a first-gen student who became a university president.

Advocates for Privacy: A Model for the CPO 2.0

The chief privacy officer role in higher ed should be reimagined to move beyond compliance functions to encompass privacy advocacy, Michael Corn and Joanna Grama write.