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U.S. Slips in Global Ranking

U.S. research universities have seen a drop in citation impact and academic reputation as institutions in East Asia and the Middle East have been gaining ground, Phil Baty writes.

‘Rigorous’ and ‘Weed-Out’ Are Not Synonymous

The controversial firing of an organic chemistry professor at New York University speaks to broader issues about student success in “weed-out” courses, Jonathan Zimmerman writes.

What Ails Our Labor Market Is Evident in College

Both colleges and employers must fix work-readiness failures and inequitable work-readiness practices, writes Brandon Busteed.

An Alternative Approach to Affirmative Action

Catharine B. Hill writes that there’s a better way to make access to the largest subsidies at the more selective institutions available to talented students from all backgrounds.

Creating a Culture of College Persistence

Career development offices can work differently and better to support first-generation and other disadvantaged students, writes Brittany Wampler.

Our Own Devices

Scott McLemee surveys new university press titles on information technology and digital media, covering topics ranging from technology in policing to online felines.

COVID Conferences: Vulnerable Scholars Needn’t Apply

In scrapping remote options for conferences, academia has set out on a dangerous trajectory, Shira Lurie and Nicole Schroeder write.

‘Cancellation’ Narratives Mistake Symptoms as Causes

Poor training in teaching is one of several deeper organizational problems underlying issues like cancel culture and self-censorship, Kyle Sebastian Vitale writes.