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It’s Time to Get Rid of Distribution Requirements

We should redesign gen ed so that it doesn't package students' learning in a way that treats them as uninterested, unintellectual and incapable, argues Paul Hanstedt.

Ethical College Admissions: Coaching for Poaching

A new report from EAB suggests that poaching may become widespread, but that doesn't make it wise, writes Jim Jump.

The Mind of the Moralist

Scott McLemee ruminates on the passing of literary critic George Steiner.

The Certain Benefits of Cluster Hiring

The practice can promote diversity and inclusion if institutions have a willingness to take a creative approach to faculty recruitment and retention, argues Elizabeth S. Chilton.

Creating Community in Online Classrooms

Rebecca Vidra explains how she uses her students' shared interest in music to draw them into her course's discussion forum.

The Essential Value of University Presses

Institutions can be unfamiliar with what their university presses do or with their own integral role in supporting scholarly publishing, argue Kathryn Conrad and Jennifer Crewe, which can lead to hasty or inaccurate judgments.

What Happens After the M.B.A. Bubble Bursts?

Those of us who educate business students should reconsider what the future workforce really needs and the best ways in which we can provide it, argues Marc Rubin.

Ethical College Admissions: Recruit to Reject?

Harvard's strategies raise tough questions, writes Jim Jump.