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FAFSA for All

Requiring it would increase the chances that more low-income students go on to college as well as significantly improve the ability of the federal government to make good policy, argues Catharine B. Hill.

Ethical College Admissions: Early Decision De-Commitment

The rules are different, putting counselors in an awkward situation, writes Jim Jump.

The New Ground Rules for Admissions

The Justice Department has failed colleges and students, writes John L. Mahoney.

The Angry Brigade

Scott McLemee reviews a crop of upcoming books focused on anger.

Simple Fixes for Income-Driven Repayment

Income-driven repayment plans are a crucial safety net for student loan borrowers, but they include well-known design flaws. Jessica Thompson and Michele Streeter write about bipartisan solutions to improve the plans.

What Took the Place of Western Civ?

What appeared during the 1980s to be an invigorating and just revision of a narrow curriculum has turned out to be no curriculum at all, writes Mark Bauerlein.

Why Indiana Went Test Optional

Ultimately, it's for the students, writes David B. Johnson.

Ethical College Admissions: Legacy Preferences

Is it time to end them or extend them? Jim Jump considers the issues.