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A Dispatch From Singapore

As the coronavirus spreads around the world, Richard R. Smith shares some leadership lessons from that country, which previously experienced a SARS outbreak.

Prepare to Move Online (in a Hurry)

Disaster and continuity planning for coronavirus now will prepare your campus for possible closure in the case of a local outbreak, Nathan Greeno writes.

Ethical College Admissions: Restricting Applications

Despite the frustrations created by students who apply to too many colleges, high schools shouldn't limit applications, writes Jim Jump.

Foreign Gifts to U.S. Colleges and Universities: Why They Matter

The generosity of donors who are not even resident in this country yet who choose to support our colleges and universities should be celebrated, argues Sue Cunningham.

Safeguarding Research on Campuses Against Foreign Threats

There's an urgent need for increasing and maintaining good security policies and practices, writes Ted Mitchell, who recommends some immediate actions to take.

How the Humanities Sound

Scholars are using core humanities practices like writing and teaching to engage with the world in all sorts of important, dynamic ways, argues Dan Kubis.

Protecting Enrollments in Times of Risk and Crisis

Faced with potential losses from the coronavirus, some institutions will look for ways to guard against the risk of lost tuition revenue. An emerging form of insurance may be one of them, writes Michael B. Rush.

Gender and Ageism in the Academy

Universities minimize the influence of older women not only by removing them from positions of power but also in more subtle ways, argues Susan M. Shaw.