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Fighting the Shadow Pandemic

The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has caused mass xenophobia, racism and discrimination, writes B. Venkat Mani, making the need for inclusive teaching all the more urgent.

Values-Centered Instructional Planning

As colleges move from coping to planning for the fall and beyond, they should be guided by a consistent, mission-aligned framework, writes Robin DeRosa.

STEM Equity and Inclusion (Un)Interrupted?

The pandemic will negatively impact the careers of women in STEM, particularly those of color, and failure to respond could jeopardize years of progress toward faculty equity, argue Stephanie A. Goodwin and Beth Mitchneck.

Emergency Grants: Congress Must Step In

Even after all of the funds are disbursed, the program will be overshadowed by implementation challenges caused by the U.S. Department of Education, argues Justin Draeger.

Beyond Summer 2020: Safety Abroad in a Recovering World

James H. Conway, Ronald G. Machoian and Christopher W. Olsen highlight the key issues concerning overseas travel that international educators must consider in the coming months.

Ethical College Admissions: Open for Business

Should a college have a waiting list and also be recruiting students? Jim Jump wonders.

Preventing the Collapse of Higher Education

The option of students returning to campus in the fall is not viable, regardless of the economic implications, argues William G. Tierney.

Return to Learn

Through a new viral testing program, the University of California, San Diego, hopes to quickly identify COVID-19 infections, reduce the risk of a major outbreak and become a model for others, writes Pradeep Khosla.