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Ending College Supremacy

The divide between those with and without degrees hurts higher education and the country. Ryan Craig says colleges and universities must work to close that gap.

We Need a Contact Tracing Army

And colleges should urge students to enlist, Howard Koh and Michael Fraser write.

Governing Boards and Race

It’s time for them to weigh in, but they don’t know how, contends Raquel M. Rall.

The Need to Combat a False Growth Mind-Set

Misperceptions among college instructors about the concept may actually be harming some students in their moments of greatest need, warns Omid Fotuhi.

An Open Letter to Top Administrators

As COVID rages on, treating your communications team simply as campus mouthpieces is a missed opportunity and can have significant impact, argue Teresa Valerio Parrot and Erin Hennessy.

Doing Faculty Diversity Differently

For faculty of color to accept a job at an isolated college often means a sort of social suicide, writes Ulises Ali Mejias, who offers a possible solution.

Liberal, Conservative or Somewhere in the Middle?

At a time when facts and analysis are devalued or simply ignored, perceptions matter, including how voters perceive the political orientation of colleges, write Terry Hartle and Phil Muehlenbeck.

Ethical College Admissions: The UC Audit

The University of California has work to do to reassure applicants and the public about fairness, writes Jim Jump.