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A Surprising Fruit of Our Pandemic Fall Semester

Counterintuitively to some people, the post-COVID campus will have a renewed, more dynamic sense of place, not a diminished one, writes Laurie L. Patton.

The Boomer Cult of Self-Realization Is Killing College

Colleges have in recent decades placed student discovery ahead of pathways and outcomes. Today’s students need a more practical approach, Ryan Craig argues.

Why Coaching for Social Justice Matters

Athletics can be a productive environment to engage white students, coaches and others in ways that help them become more aware of privilege and institutional racism, writes Joshua Meyer.

The Importance of Inequality Studies

Students, professors and administrators need a deeper understanding of how human disparities have developed, why they persist and how they evolve over time, write William A. Darity Jr., Malachi Hacohen and Adam Hollowell.

Reconsidering an Often Poor Relative on Campuses

Roberto Rey Agudo explores what a recent survey by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences tells us about the value and meaningfulness of language learning in college.

Reopenings Redux

Karen Robinson and Anthony Rotoli offer four guiding principles to help campuses prepare to open their doors again in the upcoming spring semester.

Prop 16's Defeat and the Future of Affirmative Action

Affirmative action remains an important tool for society, writes Amaka Okechukwu.

Fighting for Conservatives Under Attack in Academe

The most discriminated-against higher ed employees -- those on the right or center-right -- are ignored in public universities ostensibly but falsely obsessed with diversity, argues Richard E. Vatz.