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What's Ahead on Student Loans in 2008

After a year in which it dominated the headlines, the student loan “scandal” has lost its head of steam. New...

Back to Methuselah

The executive editor of MIT Press has been at his post for three decades. Scott McLemee checks in with a patriarch of academic publishing.

The Attack on Student Voting Rights

The disputes in Iowa reflect problematic attitudes that predate this election season and that should worry all who care about promoting civic engagement, writes John K. Wilson.

The Zen of Fenton

David Galef's latest dispatch from U of All People recalls a dean for whom administration was so effortless, it appeared he was doing nothing.

'To Gather From the Air a Live Tradition'

At three in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, the voice of a lone chorister will rise from a small college...

Coming Clean on College Costs

Private colleges should put their numbers on the table to show that they are as affordable as their public university peers, Thomas Kepple writes.

Studying the Inhumanities

A new collection documents the American policy of cruel and inhumane "non-torture." Scott McLemee takes a look.

Academic Advising by a Bot

Jonathan Deutsch shares his recent online discussion with a company promising to find him the perfect distance education program.