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Academe Must Challenge the Skeptics of Expertise
The more academics seek to inform and shape policy, the more they must confront efforts to undermine their influence, writes Linda Stamato.
How MOOC Collaboration Could Aid On-Campus Teaching and Learning
Creating a sharing economy for MOOC content among universities in open online consortiums wouldn’t be simple but could have enormous benefits for those institutions and others, Daniel Seaton writes.
Online Learning: A 2-Voiced Case for Ambivalence
Wading into the rip currents of online learning evangelism and countersurging cries of alarm about the corporatization of higher ed, Steve Mentz and Christopher Schaberg seek steady footing.
Ethical College Admissions: After the Applications Are In
Ethical choices don't go away at this stage in the process, especially if an applicant does something that may hurt his or her chances, writes Jim Jump.
Choosing a College: The Virtues of a Good Misfit
All the talk about helping prospective students find "the perfect fit" may be discouraging them from truly valuable experiences at colleges where they may thrive, writes Diana Senechal.
Truth, Facts and Liberal Education in a 'Post-Truth' Era
Colleges and universities must ensure that students know not only how to exercise intellectual skills but also that certain things are so, writes Grant Cornwell.
Uncomfortably Numb
Scott McLemee reviews Laurent de Sutter's Narcocapitalism: An End to the Anaesthetic Society.
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