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The Real Problem With the Common App

Move past the technical horror stories, writes Theodore A. O'Neill. The system is doing damage to educational values when it's working.

Don't Pay It Forward

An idea gaining support in some states has a catchy sales pitch, but is actually a bad deal for students, writes Kati Haycock.

What Do I Tell My Students?

As an adviser to adults in English-language and GED programs, Shawn Fisher wrestles every day, on the ground, with the vocational vs. liberal education divide.

Not a Scarlet Letter

It's time for adjuncts to talk with their students about what it really means to be off the tenure track.

How Our Zombies Are Faring

Mark Salisbury, ever-diligent in assessing students at his college, looks at one emerging group (or are they?).

Between Thought and Expression

Scott McLemee considers the legacy of Lou Reed.

Professional Development, at Fenway

Wick Sloane teaches community college students to write essays to transfer to universities. To set an example of "show, don't tell," he surveys the scene at a World Series game.

Shooting Off Your Mouth

The journalism professor who blasted the NRA didn't serve his profession or his students well, writes Elizabeth Christian.