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Welcome to the University

As the academic year begins, a college student and her parents -- Cade Leebron, Fred Leebron and Kathryn Rhett -- conjure a campus discussion board.

Elitism, Equality and MOOCs

Euphoria about massive online courses aside, they aren't the answer to improving access to higher education for low-income students, writes Ryan Craig.

A Call to Conservatives

Those on the right should focus less on complaining about higher education, and more on the reality that they can in fact thrive in academe, write Robert Maranto and Matthew Woessner.

Indecision 2012

Two political scientists are publishing a study of the presidential election -- as it's happening. Scott McLemee looks at the work-in-progress.

24 Hours

Michael Bugeja reflects on one of the most difficult days in his career -- and the colleague whose death shook the department.

World Literature in Istanbul

Martin Puchner reflects on a summer school of lessons from Goethe, Pamuk and others.

How to Succeed in Publishing Without Really Trying

With apologies to C.S. Lewis, Bryn Geffert and the characters he channels explore the landscape of open-access publishing.

Delicious Ambiguity

Mark Salisbury explains why he views the role of institutional research and assessment not as fact finding but as something much less certain.