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What Is Teaching Excellence?

Colleges claim to promote it, but do we really know what it is and how to measure it, asks Alan Hughes.

What Happened to Freedom of Speech?

College administrators are erring by kicking out students for offensive comments -- however offensive those comments are, writes Jonathan Zimmerman.

The Madness of College Sports

After weeks of celebrating the young men and women who play in collegiate championships, let's focus instead on the people (of all ages) who compete in athletics for their whole lives, Patricia Okker suggests.

Apple’s Lessons for Higher Ed Inequality

Money alone won’t reduce inequality in college access and outcomes -- we also need to support student decision making, Ben Castleman, Saul Schwartz and Sandy Baum argue.

The Elephant Woman

A new book tells stories of politics and psychology among the pachyderms of Africa. Scott McLemee has a look.

Rebundling College

Higher education faces challenges, writes Larry D. Large. But the solution isn't to further break apart its functions, but to bolster them.

The Endangered Liberal Arts College

Educators need to stop mourning Sweet Briar and focus on the factors that have made liberal arts colleges so successful in teaching, writes Jason Jones.

In Defense of Curmudgeons

The majority of campus curmudgeons care about improving their institutions, writes Terry O'Banion. College leaders need to learn to listen to these concerned curmudgeons.