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Our Entering Class for 2008

The Ivy League's ever-increasing selectivity prompts a response from U. of All People, channeled by David Galef.

In Praise of Small Conferences

You don't need thousands of people and academic superstars to learn a lot, writes Jason Pickavance.

Utilizing America's Most Wasted Resource

How often have we heard, “People with talent and ideas are America’s greatest resource”? And yet, while colleges and universities...

The Flawed Metaphor of the Spellings Summit

Manufacturing is not the model for higher education, writes Daniel F. Chambliss, and that's why the education secretary's conclave was based on faulty assumptions.

Hard Wordes in Plaine English

The first English dictionary was published long before Samuel Johnson. Scott McLemee consults the first reprint in 400 years.

The Brave New World of MySpace and Facebook

Social networking sites pose risks for students and challenges for colleges that try to monitor them, write Sheldon Steinbach and Lynn Deavers.

Rising Up Against Rankings

Think it's impossible for educators to fight a popular magazine's irresponsible rating system? Look north, and you'll see it can be done, writes Indira Samarasekera.

Beatles vs. Stones

Laurence Musgrove considers the role of music in the writing process.