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NEH Grant Proposal #1095702H

David Galef applies to study a master of Victorian minimalism, minimally.

Crossing Over: Part Two

Eric Jager offers advice on how scholarly authors can tell stories for thousands, not dozens, of readers.

Worth Fighting For

Graduate students at NYU and other private institutions need collective bargaining -- and their universities would benefit as well, writes J.P. Leary.

Racism and Ignorance

To understand why colleges' Native American mascots are offensive, you need to understand their history, writes Carol Spindel.

Teaching Ethics in a Morally Compromised World

Jeffrey Nesteruk explores the personal choices he makes as he tries to reach students.

The Faculty Salary Game

John V. Lombardi offers a chancellor's take on the ins and outs of the market for paying professors.

The Awkward Age

The best American shows about adolescence were too mature for prime time. Scott McLemee takes a look.

Don't Worry -- Ward Churchill Will Solve the Problem

The higher education community believes it scored a great victory on June 23 when a coalition of twenty-something organizations, including...